
why aren't we doing something?

this generation is trying
to be realized.

don't you see the pain in their eyes?
we're so tantalized by the snares of this world
make it feel good
do it if you want
live for yourself and nothing else matters

we're prostituting ourselves for a cheap fix.
and it's costing us not only our dignity,
but our joy, peace, faith, hope
in humankind, in the overall goodness of life

that's why abortion is rampaging.
that's why the drugs are the ny times' bestsellers
no longer a hunger for knowledge
but for the next high, the next best thing

can't sleep at night
but it's worth the scars, the pain,
the hunger that won't disappear
it's a lot better than that church thing.

not like it matters to us.
the bride of christ has become flighty
one night stands with the Maker
seductress, Jezebel at best

judgements pronounced on those
who are just like us
the only difference?

at least they admit they're drowning.

so we gotta do something.
pick up this bloody mess off the ground
and do something.
this world is dying in its current state of tainted beliefs

and it is not okay.
we can't live for the fix
we gotta fix our eyes on Him.

we gotta do something
lift our eyes to the heavens
and do something
before it's too late.

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